KOBELT Combined Steering & Controls Electronic Control Head 6657
Compact, multi-function electronic & steering control head.
The 6657 is an illuminated controller that provides propulsion controls for clutch and throttle plus full followup (FFU) steering rudder control in a single control head. The 6657 is a compact version of the Kobelt’s 6655. and is ideally suited for a navigation station with limited space.
The 6657 is available with up to two potentiometers for the steering system and is intended for use with electric over hydraulic steering systems for rudder angles up to 2 x 45 degrees.
For a complete Full Follow Up (FFU) steering system, a 7173-K steering amplifier, steering (directional control) solenoid valve and rudder feedback unit complete with potentiometers and limit switches, such as our 7174-A, are required. For systems with more than one station, a transfer box and station selector switches at each station are also required.